Books by Andy Marquez
I began writing when I was just a kid, drawing small Dick Tracy cartoons and adding little stories to them.
I followed this by writing elementary school short stories, for example, “The Oddity of Dr. Seymour Schwartz”.
Early in my high school years, my Uncle Norman, who worked in the movie industry, gave me an 8mm movie camera and I made 4 little shorts with a simple story that I wrote. Then came the shocker, that worried Mom and Dad. I wrote a poem called “Off on a Tangent” that won an award and was published in the school book, “Moments.” Folks thought I was on LSD or something similar. Definitely not true.
I attended college at the University of South Carolina, a radical move, being a boy from Queens, NY. There I started writing poetry with the idea of having someone write music for them. I was so into the music scene in the late sixties.
In the summer of 1971, I landed a job at the Bayside Times, my hometown.
On August 19th, I had this article published.
In the mid-eighties I wrote a long screenplay for a movie that I called “The Red Pony Affair.” It was about a middle of the night DJ, who received strange phone calls, on and off the air warnings of a terrorist attack.
I submitted it to some movie companies but nothing happened.

This was followed by “Colorado: A Breath Away From Heaven” and “Dreams That Last Forever,” both included pics with occasional lines, creating a mood.
In 2013, I composed a biography type of book called, “The 24 Hours Before” (a picture was taken). A lot more writing and 24 pics.
In 2017, I wrote an enchanting little storybook along with inanimate characters that I collected overseas and from art festivals, “The Adventures of Vilhelm and Gustavo”.
The last book we published was another scenery book, “The Magic and Wonder of Colorado,” in which I included four poetic lines for each picture, each having 8 syllables.
Nothing since. I’ll get going on something soon.
The Magic and Wonder of Colorado

The Adventures of Vilhelm and Gustavo –
Journeymen from a Different Time
SALE $10.00

The Blue Bubble Lady –
A Magical Story

The 24 Hours Before

Colorado – A Breath Away from Heaven

“Dreams that last forever”
The world as I’ve seen it

Early Signs of Enchantment –
New Mexico Roadside Nostalgia

Last Signs of the Frontier –
Colorado Roadside Nostalgia